
Hallo Basel answers your questions about moving to Basel

About all the Brunnen (Fountains)

Brunnen (Fountains) Recently, while biking home after work, I stopped to get a drink of water at one of the many fountains I pass during my commute.  You don’t have to spend much time here before you notice them, they’re strewn all over Switzerland.  I once mentioned them to a Swiss friend in the context

About an English Speaking Playgroup

English speaking Toddler playgroup “Coffee with kids” Coffee With Kids starts again after the summer break on Tuesday 15 August 2023. From 9am-11am at Reinacherstrasse 129 (3rd Floor) join other parents/carers and their little ones for a time of fun and play.  Children 0-4 years old can enjoy playtime, a healthy snack, singing and stories.

Where we’ll be

Newcomer BBQ at ISB… We will be at the International School of Basel (Aesch Campus) newcomer fair on Saturday 2 September from 11am-2pm. If you have children at ISB, drop by and say hello! 

Where to Shop for Back To School?

Back to School Shopping The Swiss school year begins in mid August and runs until the end of June.  At this time of year you may notice many signs pointing to the start of the school year. Perhaps you own child is preparing for school too. Shops Selling School Supplies Department stores and many supermarkets (especially

What is Swiss National Day 01/08?

SWISS NATIONAL DAY What do you know about Swiss National Day (Schweizer Bundesfeiertag) on August 1st? The Swiss in Basel recognise the formation of the Swiss Confederacy (Schweizer Eidengessoscht) with fireworks and celebrations on the banks of the Rhine river starting in the evening of 31st July. The town gets busy with thousands of people